Expert Panel: Activating Loyalty and AI: The Power of MarTech and Personalisation

Rick de Wit & Jeroen de Graaf & Joep van Ham & Serge van Marion

10:25 - 11:05

Join us to explore how customer loyalty is evolving beyond the traditional earn-and-burn model through the power of AI and MarTech. Our experts will discuss the transformative impact these technologies have on personalising customer engagement and how marketers are adapting to their new roles. We’ll also address the ethical considerations that come with leveraging AI and data analytics in marketing. Gain valuable insights into the future of loyalty programmes and responsible technology use in enhancing customer relationships.

Rick de Wit


Jeroen de Graaf


Joep van Ham

Teamlead Email MarketingHappy Horizon

Serge van Marion

ModeratorBrand Strategy Director | Upsiders