Scaling your Program with A/B testing

Naomi West

14:30 - 15:05

During this session, Naomi will introduce a robust framework designed to streamline your A/B testing process, ensuring it can easily adapt and grow with your needs. She will walk you through practical steps to set up, execute, and analyze A/B tests in a way that maximizes the utility of your results. Learn how to interpret data not just to enhance your email marketing efforts, but also to gain valuable insights that can inform your overall marketing strategy, product development, customer experience improvements, and more.

Key takeaways from Naomi’s talk will include:

    • Essential components of a scalable A/B testing framework.
    • Best practices for designing and running effective email A/B tests.
    • Techniques for analyzing A/B test results and extracting actionable insights.
    • Strategies for applying email A/B test learnings to other areas of your business.
    • Real-world examples and case studies demonstrating extended benefits.

Naomi West

Product Marketing ManagerParcel,